218 Commercial Blvd, Suite 217
Lauderdale by the Sea, FL 33308
954 492 5592
There are approximately 935 business owners who live and or work in Lauderdale by the Sea , many are in the hospitality business, restaurant business, retail and professionals. Our town is about a 90% residential and 10% commercial. Other businesses are property owners as landlords. I hope you will call upon WFG Insurance to handle your insurance needs, I am a long time resident here in Lauderdale by the Sea.
General Liability
Commercial general liability insurance (CGL), often referred to as business liability insurance, is coverage that can protect you from a variety of claims including bodily injury, property damage, personal injury and others that can arise from your business operations. General liability insurance also usually include: personal and advertising injury, medical payments, products completed operations and fire damage to premises rented to you.
Workers Compensation
Covers medical costs and a portion of lost wages for an employee who suffers a covered work-related injury or illness. Obtaining an exemption does not relieve you of your responsibility. Do not assume using 1099's or independent contractors also relieve you too. Other business insurance products exempt any would be work comp injury.
Business Property
Protecting you business property is covered by two forms and can be covered with liability under one policy known as a Business Owners Policy (BOP). Business Property is what you own not building related inventory equipment etc. Business Building coverage is for the building itself with or without build outs.
Employer Practices Liability Insurance-coverage for wrongful hiring and firing of employees, this is the only type of insurance that protects you for this, premiums tend to be inexpensive and affordable, a necessity today with companies that have frequent turnover or have many employees, size does not matter it is a wise policy to have as general liability will not cover this.
Covers you if an employee commits theft and other criminal actions, that are excluded with other policies, they are inexpensive, adds to a comprehensive business insurance plan. Excellent for board members, officers, service oriented companies.
Commercial Auto
Your company owned vehicles must be covered under a commercial auto or business auto policy. We quote 1-5 cars and above with fleet coverage. This policy covers the gaps in the other policy types, discounts for having liability or BOP.
DISCLAIMER It is wise to consult with a business attorney on how to organize your company and reduce your exposures through insurance and proper hiring techniques and review of any leases or contracts with vendors and customers THIS website is not for legal advice.